In line with its sustainability and environmental objectives, ALGAIA pays a particular attention to sourcing fresh seaweed biomass next to manufacturing plants.

In addition, fresh seaweeds are preservative-free and demonstrate better functionalities, especially critical for the value added segments of the industries like Dairy, Pharma or Confectionery applications.

Thank to its strategic alliance with GELYMAR, ALGAIA benefits from a unique access to the richest algal biodiversity of over 4,500 km of the Chilean coast and cold/pure water. In addition, with the recent acquisition of the Lannilis plant, ALGAIA now has direct access to fresh brown seaweed from the Mer d’Iroise in Brittany.


Mastering bio-process allows enhancement of extraction yields, reduces chemicals use and permits accessibility to hidden molecules. It can also assist in adjusting molecular weight or product functionality. Optimization of seaweed compound extractions is complex and time consuming due to the multitude of parameters to be taken into consideration; ALGAIA’s historical knowledge in this field has been kept, especially in relation to process engineering. We work with selected partners to innovate through that space.


One of the main goal of Algaia is to develop eco-friendly extraction technics limiting or, whenever possible, eliminating completely the use of chemicals while reducing CO2 emissions.

Several technologies have been developed, on our own or with our selected partners to reach that target.