Algaia was honored to welcome Charlina Vitcheva, General Director of the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), Valérie Lainé, DGMARE Mediterranean & Black Sea, Caroline Alibert-Deprez, DGMARE Political Affairs, Milena Miaylola, DGMARE Director Assistant, Olivier Le Nezet and Jacques Doudet from CRPMEM Bretagne, at our Lannilis site last week.

A great opportunity to explain and present:

  • Our innovative biorefinery process and strategy,
  • Our work to ensure a prosperous future to local seaweed harvesters
  • And how we preserve our algal resources thanks to a sustainable
    harvesting plan.

We thank all the participants for coming to Lannilis to get a better understanding of the potential of seaweed in the EU blue economy.