For a first participation, Algaia made a hit at the 2018 edition of CFIA in Rennes, France with a continuous flow of customers and prospects during the three days of the show. A majority of French or Southern European decision-makers looking for seaweed-based solutions and natural alternatives gathered at our stand to get information on Algaia’s innovations, particularly in the dairy, bakery and meat sectors. Strong demand was observed for alginates and Kappa II carrageenans to replace other raw materials impacted by price versatility. Algaia also presented a new catalana cream as well as meatball alternatives in partnership with our French distributor for alginates, Arlès, during a Contemporary Culinary Workshop organized during the show. Representatives of industries outside food also came such as pet food, feed or medical device. It gave the opportunity to our team to show case the extreme diversity of applications that can be addressed with Algaia’s portfolio. In short, a very busy and successful show for Algaia again!

Catalana cream and meat ball alternatives presented at the show