After the recent launch of the Algae Roadmap by the State Secretariat for the Sea and Biodiversity, the algae sector is currently at the heart of the news.
Algaia staff in Lannilis therefore had the honor of receiving a visit from the European Commission with a delegation from DG MARE including Delilah AL KHUDHAIRY, Director Maritime Policy and Blue Economy, Felix LEINEMANN, Head of Unit ‘Blue Economy Sectors, Aquaculture and Maritime Spatial Planning. and Maris STULGIS, Policy Officer Blue Bioeconomy, Algae and Aquaculture. Aiming for sustainable maritime development, DG MARE strives to promote innovation, environmental protection and economic growth in the European maritime area. The EU delegation was accompanied by Philippe Potin, research director at CNRS-Station Biologique de Roscoff and scientific director of the Global Seaweed Coalition.
The visit by DG MARE officials highlights the EU’s keen interest in the algae sector in the blue economy and Algaia’s position as a key player in this space.
This was an opportunity to present Algaia’s biorefinery strategy aimed at valorizing algal biomass and to explain our approach to preserving the algal resource in collaboration with all stakeholders.
Through this visit, DG MARE reinforces the commitment to sustainable maritime advancement, proving the significant role of algae in shaping a greener, more innovative blue economy across Europe.